
Familiy Porten

Contact Details of Our Hotel and Restaurants

We will gladly answer any of your questions and meet any of your wishes, whether it is by telephone, email or on the spot. The Porten Family and their team look forward to welcoming you soon.


Tiefenhäusern 12 • 79862 Höchenschwand
T +49 7755-281 • F +49 7755-93 85 88


Opening times

Friday to Tuesday: from 12.00 am to midnight
Hot dishes all day. Warm Kitchen till  9.00 am!
Homemade cake and snacks  2.00 pm
Closed on Wednesday and Thursday. Open all year round!

Im Grün 15 • 79862 Höchenschwand
T +49 7672. 93 02 0 • F +49 7672. 43 82


Opening times

Open all year round!

How it work

Route Planner

  1. Click on the destination on the map, for example the Hotel Fernblick.
  2. You will then see the address of your destination appearing on the right edge of the map with the route planner icon beside it (arrow in a diamond). Click on the button.
  3. The route planner opens in a new window with the destination already displayed. To get your travel route you only need to enter your start point!